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Mindset Reframes
If you've taught a PBL unit, or even if you've had students approach a difficult task in your classroom, you know that students can fall prey to mindset traps.
Mindset traps can keep students from moving forward in a PBL unit, or they can keep them from collaborating productively with their peers.
When students believe statements like:
...this steals their ability to engage meaningfully in PBL.
How can you help students shift their thinking?
You have to TEACH students how to reframe their mindsets by giving them new statements to replace the old way of thinking. Then, have students practice, practice, practice when they hit a rough patch in a PBL unit.
You'll teach students how to persist through difficult moments while also teaching them your standards-driven content.
Share this set of Mindset Reframes with students to keep in their folders, print a larger version to hang on your classroom wall, or use it in any number of ways to prepare students for the challenge of project-based learning.

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