
Unforgettable: How to Craft Meaningful, Memorable Units with Project Based Learning Webinar

What We'll Cover

In this webinar, you’ll learn what makes project-based learning units unique and the perfect fit for engaging your learners. You’ll explore real PBL units across different subjects and grade levels, and consider how you can leverage constraints and creativity to design a unit that works in your context. You’ll learn what essential elements are needed for a high-performance, meaningful PBL unit your students will never forget.

We’ll explore:

  • The difference between project-based learning and projects
  • How the essential elements of a high-performance PBL unit can guide your planning
  • How to teach a PBL unit within the constraints of testing, standards, and time
  • What makes lessons engaging and memorable (even years from now!)
  • Examples of real-world PBL units

 Dr. Amy Baeder 

Director, The Project-Based Learning Network

About The Presenter

Dr. Amy Baeder is Director of the Project-Based Learning Network. A former science teacher, she is a full-time curriculum writer and PBL professional development expert. Dr. Baeder holds an EdD in Educational Leadership from the University of Washington, and the PBL units she has written are used in more than 50 countries around the world.